They Pray & Fast but are Sinful & Say: "Allah is Merciful
Sheikh Khâlid Husayn
People who commit sinful deeds have many different ways of looking at their sins. When we wish to call them to what is right and have them give up their sinful ways, we must understand their way of thinking and approach them accordingly
One group of people who need a special approach are those primarily young people who appear to exhibit extremely contradictory behavior. On the one hand, they are regular in their prayers, observant of their fasts, and uphold their religious duties admirably. However, when it comes to the sinful and licentious behavior that Allah has forbidden them, they have no qualms about indulging in the most serious of sinful acts. It is not like they fall weak and sin, and then feel bad about it. They show a complete indifference to their bad behavior.
Many people who behave like this, if you ask them why they do so, they turn to you and say: "Allah is forgiving and merciful". They see themselves as religious, and do not realize that their fasts and their prayers do not give them license to indulge in sin. How do we answer such people? Aside from the general prescription that we should call them to the truth with wisdom and beautiful preaching, showing them respect and avoiding harshness – what exactly can we say that will show them the error of their ways?
People who exhibit such behavior are operating under a serious misunderstanding. They misunderstand the verses of the Qur'ân that speak about Allah's mercy. It is their misunderstanding that makes it easy for them to disobey Allah in what He forbids them
They need to be brought to understand that just like Allah is most forgiving and most merciful, he is also severe in punishment. One of the best verses to call their attention to in this regard is where
Allah says: "Inform My servants that I am the Forgiving and Merciful, and that truly My punishment will be a painful one." [Sûrah al-Hijr: 49-50]
Then, when they justify to us their sinful behavior by saying "Allah is Most Merciful" we can tell them: "Indeed He is, just as He is the Most Severe in Punishment. Do you have some guarantee that Allah is going to forgive all of your sins?
Know that Allah warns us in the Qur'ân against thinking that we have such a guarantee.
He says: "What! Do they then feel secure from Allah's plan? But none feels secure from Allah's plan except the people who are doomed to fail." [Sûrah al-A`râf: 99]
They need to know that although Allah is Most Merciful, His Mercy is not equally applicable to everyone. Allah says: "My mercy extends to all things, and I shall ordain it for those who do right, and practice regular charity, and those who believe in Our signs." [Sûrah al-A`râf: 156]
They need to know that although Allah is Most Merciful, His Mercy is not equally applicable to everyone. Allah says: "My mercy extends to all things, and I shall ordain it for those who do right, and practice regular charity, and those who believe in Our signs." [Sûrah al-A`râf: 156]
As for those who commit major sins and licentious deeds with full abandon, and then brush it off by saying "Allah is merciful." – they are projecting their own wishful thinking onto the meaning of Allah's mercy.