Sunnahs to be said in the Morning
Sunnahs to be said in the Morning

Sunnahs to be said in the Morning
1-The verse of the Chair (ayat-al-Kursii) : "Allah. There is no god except He, The Ever-Living, The Superb Upright Sustainer".
Its fruit: (This, who recites it in the morning, is protected from Jinn till the evening and this who recites it in the evening, is protected from Jinn till the morning).
Narrated by An-Nessa’i, Al-Albani said it is authentic.
2-The Protectors: (Suraht Al Ikhlaas):"Say, “He is Allah, The Only One”",(Surat Al Falaq): "Say, “I take refuge with The Lord of the Daybreak”" and (Surat An Naas): "Say, “I take refuge with The Lord of mankind”".
Narrated by Abu-Dawoud and At-Termithi.
Its fruit: (this, who recites them three times in the morning and three times in the evening, they protect him against everything). As stated in the same hadith.
3-"We have become in the morning and all Kingdom is Allah’s, and all praise is to Allah. There is no god but Allah, alone, with no partner. All kingdom is His, all praise is to Him and He is Ever-Determiner over everything. O Allah, I ask You for the good of what is in this day, and the good of what is after it, and I take refuge with You from the evil of what is in this day and the evil of what is after it. My God, I take refuge with You from laziness and bad aging, and I take refuge with You from hell and grave torment".
Narrated by Muslim.
In the evening, one should say: (we have become in the evening) instead of (we have become in the morning) and say: (my God, I ask you for the good of what is in this night) instead of (day).
4-(O Allah, by You, we became in the morning and by You, we became in the evening. By You, we live, by You, we die and to You, is the resurrection).
Narrated by At-Termithi.
And when one is in the evening, he should say: (O Allah, by You, we became in the evening and by You, we became in the morning. By You, we live, by You, we die and to You is the Destiny).
5-(O Allah, You are my God. There is no god but You. You created me and I am Your slave. I am adherent to Your covenant and Your promise as much as I can. I take refuge with You from the evil of what I committed. I turn to You with Your grace and turn with my sin, so, forgive me, as no one forgives sins but You).
Narrated by Al-Bukhari.
Its fruit: (this who says it, believing in it, in the evening, then, dies on this night, he enters paradise. And the same if he says it in the morning). (As in the same hadith).
6-(O Allah, I have become in the morning, asking You to bear witness, and asking Your throne-bearers, Your angels and all Your creatures to bear witness, that You are Allah, there's no god but You, alone, with no partner and that Muhammad is Your slave and Your Messenger “four times”).
Narrated by Abu-Dawoud and An-Nessa’i, in the work of day and night.
Its fruit: this who says it four times in the morning or in the evening is set free from hell.
* In the evening, one should say: (O Allah, I have become in the evening…).
7-(O Allah, all blessings I have, or any of Your creatures has, in this morning, is from You, alone, with no partner, so, all praise and thanks are to You).
Narrated by Abu-Dawoud and An-Nessa’i, in the work of day and night.
Its fruit: This, who says in the morning, has fulfilled the due thanks of his day, and this who says it in the evening, has fulfilled the due thanks of his night. (As stated in the hadith itself).
8-(O Allah, protect my body. O Allah, protect my hearing (sense). O Allah, protect my sight. There is no god but You. O Allah, I take refuge with You from infidelity and poverty. I take refuge with You from grave torment. There is no god but You. “Three times”).
Narrated by Abu-Dawoud and Ahmad.
9-(Allah is enough (Reckoner) for me. There is no god except He. On Him I have put my trust; He is the Lord of the Magnificent Throne). Seven times.
Narrated by As-Sunnii (a traceable hadith) and Abu-Dawoud (a discontinued hadith).
Its fruit: (this who says it seven times in the morning and in the evening is protected by Allah against all matters that make him anxious in this life and in the hereafter). (As stated in the hadith itself).
10-(O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and wellness in this life and in the Hereafter. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and wellness in my religion, life, family and money. O Allah, cover my weak spots and secure my fear. O Allah, protect me against what is in front of me, what is on my right, what is on my left and I take refuge with Your greatness from being assassinated by what is beneath).
Narrated by Abu-Dawoud and Ibn-Majah.
11-(O Allah, Knower of the Unseen and the Witnessed, Originator of the heavens and the earth, the God of everything and its King, I bear witness that there is no god but You. I take refuge with You from the evil of myself, from the evil of Satan and his trap and from causing myself any harm, or driving it to any Muslim).
Narrated by At-Termithi and Abu-dawoud.
12-(In the name of Allah, with whose name, nothing can do any harm neither in the earth nor in the heavens and He is The All-hearing, The All-Knowing). Three times.
Narrated by Abu-dawoud, At-Termithi, Ibn-Majah and Ahmad.
Its fruit: This, who says it, three times in the morning and three times in the evening, nothing can harm him). (As stated in the hadith itself).
13-(I am satisfied with Allah as my God, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad (PBUH) as my Prophet). Three times.
Narrated by Abu-dawoud, At-Termiti,h An-Nessa’i and Ahmad.
(Its fruit: This, who says it, three times in the morning and in the evening, it is Allah’s true promise to satisfy him on the Day of Judgment). (As stated in the hadith itself).
14-O The Ever-Living, O The Superb Upright Sustainer, I appeal for Your mercy, fix all my affairs and do not leave me to myself for a single moment (literally: for a blink of an eye).
Narrated by Al-Hakim, who said it is authentic and Ath-Thahabi agreed.
15-(We have become in the morning, on the origin of Islam, the word of fidelity, the religion of our Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) and the creed of our father, Abraham, who was unswervingly upright, Muslim and not of the associators).
Narrated by Ahmad.
16-(Subhan Allah wa be-Hamdih: Glorified be Allah, a glorification associated with His Praise) a hundred times.
Narrated by Muslim.
Its fruit: (This, who says it a hundred times in the morning and in the evening, no one can come on the Day of Judgment with something better than what he has come with, except someone who has said the same as he has said or has said more).
Another fruit: (this, who says it, will have all his sins expiated, even if they were like sea foam).
17-(There is no god but Allah, alone, with no partner. All kingdom is His, all praise is to Him and He is Ever-Determiner over everything). A hundred times in the morning.
Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Its fruit: this who says it a hundred times per day:
1- will have a reward which is equal to the reward of setting ten persons free.
2- Ten hasanas (hasana= the reward from Allah for doing something good) will be recorded for him.
3- Ten sayyi’as (sayyi’a= the punishment from Allah for doing something bad) (of his) will be omitted.
4- It works as a protector for him against Satan, all day and till the evening.(As stated in the hadith itself).
18-(I ask Allah for forgiveness and repent to Him). A hundred times per day.
Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
19-(O Allah, I ask You for useful knowledge, good sustenance and accepted work). In the morning.
Narrated by Ibn-Majah.
20-(Subhan Allah wa be-Hamdih {Glorified be Allah, a glorification associated with His Praise}, as many times as the number of His creatures, as many times as that which satisfies Him, as many times as the weight of His Throne and as much as the ink of His words). Three times.
Narrated by Muslim.
21-(I take refuge with Allah’s perfect words from the evil of what He has created).Three times in the evening.
Narrated by At-Termithi, Ibn-Majah and Ahmad.
*Whenever someone says one of these athkar, he applies a Sunnah (one tradition) of the Prophet’s traditions. A Muslim should preserve these athkar in the morning and in the evening, so as to apply these traditions as much as he can.
*A Muslim should say these athkar with fidelity, truthfulness and certainty, and should feel the meanings that lie in them, so that they may affect his practical life, manners and attitude.